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HomeLiterature & FictionFight Dirty by CJ Lyons PDF Download Free

Fight Dirty by CJ Lyons PDF Download Free

Everyone should have their own scars to show, to prove that they have lived, says Fight Dirty author CJ Lyons in this fantastic interview with Forbes on September 24, 2017. This best-selling thriller writer was determined to make her mark when she wrote Fight Dirty and now it’s your turn to do the same! In this Fight Dirty book review, we will examine the reviews and ratings of the novel Fight Dirty by CJ Lyons so you can see if it is worth your time and money before spending yours on it!

Overview About “Fight Dirty” by “CJ Lyons”

Fight Dirty is part of a series of books that detail Alex Morgan, head of a group within Homeland Security. These agents, who operate in plainclothes, possess special skill sets and must work off-grid to protect our country. Fight Dirty is book two in The Agent Series and I would definitely recommend starting with book one, Hidden Justice, before reading it. For me, I enjoyed how Fight Dirty picked up right where Hidden Justice left off. In book one we get to know Alex as well as her team members Maggie Porter and Rick Martinez (the subject of book three). Unfortunately, there were a few things that made it difficult for me to really care about any of them or want to read more about them:

Fight Dirty by CJ Lyons Chapter 1
Fight Dirty by CJ Lyons Chapter 1

Reviews About “Fight Dirty” by “CJ Lyons”

I read Fight Dirty in one sitting, it was just that good. It’s more than just a medical thriller though. I felt like I got to know all of these characters personally and that feeling stayed with me even after finishing. There is a lot of character development happening over a short period of time, but I didn’t mind at all – these are well-developed characters. One you can get behind and cheer for! They’re not perfect and some make dumb mistakes, but they learn from them and grow as people throughout their time in Afghanistan. This was my first book by C.J. Lyons, but it will certainly not be my last! Five out of five stars!

Fight Dirty by CJ Lyons Chapter 2
Fight Dirty by CJ Lyons Chapter 2

About  “CJ Lyons” the author of “Fight Dirty” 

Most people first saw CJ as a contestant on American Gladiators and they instantly fell in love with her. Her athletic ability, heart, humor, and huge crush on competitor Wolf made her an instant favorite with viewers. And it wasn’t long before she was headlining national commercials for Minute Maid and KFC. As an author, CJ is truly unique. She writes across genres but writes primarily books in three very different series: Survival Series (suspense); Inside Out Series (romance); and Alphabet Series (children’s). It’s hard to pigeonhole what kind of writer she is since there are always elements of suspense and romance threaded throughout every novel. Of course, if you’re talking about Fight Dirty, there’s plenty of that too! 

Fight Dirty by CJ Lyons PDF Download

Click on the button given below to download the “Fight Dirty” book that is written by CJ Lyons in PDF.




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