Susanna Kearsley’s new novel follows the tale of Claire Randall, who time travels back to 1743 to be rescued by a young Scottish warrior named Jamie Fraser while fleeing an English enemy in the midst of the Highland Rebellion in 1745. Susanna Kearsley’s new novel follows the tale of Claire Randall, who time travels back to 1743 to be rescued by a young Scottish warrior named Jamie Fraser while fleeing an English enemy in the midst of the Highland Rebellion in 1745.
Overview About “The Splendour Falls” by “Susanna Kearsley”
A 500-year-old map holds a mysterious key to Grace Galloway’s past. But as she and her colleagues at Oxford University begin to unlock its secrets, their very lives are endangered, and in searching for answers, Grace finds herself dangerously entangled with an old nemesis. Returning home to Scotland after years of absence only brings Grace more trouble. She cannot resist investigating both mysteries that lie before her: one, a centuries-old family secret; another, where all is not as it seems in her mother’s death. And neither of these can be unraveled without confronting long-held secrets about family and self—secrets that could destroy everything she has ever loved. This book was released on 25 October 2015. It is 456 pages long. The genres are historical fiction and mystery suspense thriller. The story takes place in Scotland (Edinburgh), England (Oxford), and Italy (Tuscany).
Review About “The Splendour Falls” by “Susanna Kearsley”
Book lovers, when you need a new book to read, find The Splendour Falls free download pdf by Susanna Kearsley. Written by Susanna Kearsley and it was published sometime in 2008 by St. Martin’s Press. The book is 416 pages long. It’s 7.73 in Height x 5.98 Length x 1.26 in Width and it has a weight of 0.73 lbs. The book is mostly about Contemporary fiction, Mythology, American Indians, and Time travel. Some people proclaim they do not have time to read, however, reading can also be an effective utilization of time, especially with the correct application. Reading will allow you greater knowledge, understanding of} life and experience than almost anything else.
About “Susanna Kearsley” the author of “The Splendour Falls”
Susanna Kearsley is a Canadian-born author. She writes novels and short stories, mostly historical fiction with paranormal or fantasy elements. Her novels tend to be set in Europe or Canada and often focus on history, spirituality, mythology, and exploration. Many of her books were published under her maiden name Susanna J. Sturgis as her married name was unavailable for use due to another author also having that name at that time. She is a descendant of poet Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822). On March 31, 2013, she married fellow writer Phil Rickman in Edinburgh, Scotland.
The Splendour Falls by Susanna Kearsley ePub Download
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