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Principles of Environmental Science 8th Edition PDF Download Free

For two decades, Principles of Environmental Science has been the leading text in environmental studies. And the study of how humans interact with their environment. Two new co-authors are stepping into the shoes of long-time co-author Cunningham. They passed away in 2015 after 18 years of working on the text with his wife, Mary Cunningham. These co-authors have worked hard to improve the already tried and true format of this environmental science text. And bring it into the 21st century with new topics and an increased focus on sustainability and conservation efforts around the world.

Overview About “Principles of Environmental Science 8th Edition”

The book is from Jones & Bartlett Learning, Inc., an imprint of John Wiley & Sons. This is a textbook for environmental science students in colleges and universities worldwide that covers fundamentals like air pollution control and water quality management among other things. The authors are well-known writers in their field and bring a wealth of experience to their books. They teach chemistry at Saint Michael’s College located in Colchester, Vermont; they have taught environmental chemistry at MIT as well as Johns Hopkins University. Where they also served as administrators before becoming authors on other books. Such as Principles of Environmental Science along with many others focusing on science topics ranging from Biology to Physics.

Principles of Environmental Science 8th Edition Chapter 1
Principles of Environmental Science 8th Edition Chapter 1

Reviews About “Principles of Environmental Science 8th Edition”

Principles of Environmental Science 8th Edition: A lot of content is covered in a relatively small space. The focus is on real-world examples from cases. And current news helps to draw out points that might be difficult to derive from a purely academic text. Each chapter features multiple review questions and offers clear explanations for each answer. Overall, it’s an excellent book for preparing for a test or exam. It’s also worth looking into as it covers most things you need to know as far as an introductory course goes.

Principles of Environmental Science 8th Edition Chapter 2
Principles of Environmental Science 8th Edition Chapter 2

About “William Cunningham, Mary Cunningham” the Authors

William and Mary Cunningham have both been involved in environmental science since before it was called that. William received his Ph.D. from U-M in 1971 and has taught at many colleges and universities. He is now a professor emeritus at UM. He also worked for many years for EPA doing research on water pollution control issues and supervising students who did similar work. For his last five years with EPA he managed about 25 doctoral students, which probably makes him know more about supervising students than any living person. Mary got her Ph.D. from U-M in 1985 with a dissertation that studied the effects of copper in sediment on Michigan lakes.

Principles of Environmental Science 8th Edition PDF Download

Click on the button given below to download the “Principles of Environmental Science 8th Edition” book that is written by “William Cunningham, Mary Cunningham” in PDF.



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